Monday, May 17, 2010

When planting my jasmine vine, remove support and tie straight to trellis or leave support on?

Is it the same for planting my coral honeysuckle vine? I'm planting those next to our chain link fence.

When planting my jasmine vine, remove support and tie straight to trellis or leave support on?
When planting, select several of the strongest shoots and prune them

back to half their length to encourage more new shoots to grow from

the base.

As a vine grows, keep it in check. If you want it to be compact,

continually prune terminal growth during the growing season. If you

want it to ramble, cut to the base all but three or four of the strongest

shoots. Be sure to prune to let light reach the base of the vine or it will

become bushy on top and bare below.
Reply:EDITED: I wouldn't tie the actual tendrils they are far too delicate just train the branches of the vine.

photo of the tendrils below

I usually leave the support in and tie some of the vine to the trellis, once it is established I remove the support very gently...

The honeysuckle will follow the sun....hopefully your fence is in the same direction...It can be trained but the natural order of plants is to grow towards the sun.

I know this because my neighbor planted in on the fence between our property her side is shaded mine is not so it grows over into and in my yard and it keeps me busy controlling it.

Subject: Why Do Plants Grow Towards The Sun

Plants grow towards the sun as part of a complex series of responses of

plants to their environment. the primary reason plants grow towards the

sun is to produce food through the process of photosynthesis. I have

included a link to a site that explains these responses in a logical


Reply:I removed my support and gently tied the tendrils where I wanted them to start. The honeysuckle will find the fence on it's own, but if you want it to go in a certain direction then you might tie it to the fence to train it in the that direction.
Reply:Depending on your vine. Personally I like to leave the support in place and gently guide the vines to the fence or trellis. Once they has established growth then I remove the support. Good luck to you and your vines.

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