Monday, May 17, 2010

How do you consider yourself? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? What do you choose to see and focus on?

So many things in life depend

On what we choose to see.

Do we look for what is good?

Or glance with negativity?

I took a little walk.

I saw so many things.

A simple little bird,

And yet he joyfully sings

I saw a yellow butterfly

Land on a purple star.

I glanced an old man

Helping his wife into the car.

He held her hand with love

In her eyes he was a dear.

She took his hand so trustingly

She had no moment of fear.

I watched some children playing.

A ballgame down the street.

The air was thick and humid.

The honeysuckle smelled so sweet.

Life is full of such moments.

If we take the time to look.

Like the peace of a summer rainstorm

The singing of a brook.

I will no longer worry.

About things not mine to choose.

For if I waste my time fearful.

This beautiful moment I'll lose.

How do you consider yourself? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? What do you choose to see and focus on?
yeah outside its fine but its situations and stress that i can do going thru some stuff and im depressed
Reply:Some see the glass as half-empty,some half-full.....The real thinker,however.simply fills the glass and ends all discussion.

I see a vase with water in it,to start a new Bonsai tree.

EDIT...I just read the poem...very beautiful...I felt as if I were the one experiencing the view.
Reply:I am neither. I am a realist. I will not pretend that things are better than they are, nor will I make up reasons to doubt.
Reply:Here is an Old joke as an answer.

An optimist thinks that this might be the best of all possible worlds, a pessimist is certain that it is.
Reply:I'm neither. I'm a realist.
Reply:I consider myself a god
Reply:I choose to look on things above. Having a heavenly focus translates into doing good works here. It also translates into an optimistic attitude toward the future.
Reply:I am a optimist most of the time and that poem was beautiful.
Reply:In my experience, it seems if you think negative, that's all I was given. This is practice. Simple things in life has broken that for me. I took my kids fishing yesterday, and I saw a yellow and black stripped butterfly. I wondered if it was a angel or perhaps God?
Reply:I am a positive Atheist.
Reply:I'm a pessimist. I've been trying to not be...but its hard for me to change. The counsler didn't really help with that part much... she did help with the depression a little bit...
Reply:Beautiful. And how true. (I see the little bird is back, and he did visit).

I generally am an optimist. I see the best in nature, and try to in people. Maybe I am weak in this area, but I want to always believe what people tell me, even if their "track record" is otherwise.
Reply:I choose to be optimist most of the times

It is better because it urges you to focus on life ,,

pessimism breaks off the ropes that we are attached to life
Reply:It's easy to become pessimistic with the way things have been going in the world (and have pretty much always gone).

Your list of things is exactly how I view the world - in microcosms and macrocosms. Even in a world where death, pain, hatred, ignorance, and fear run rampant - you can see the tiniest little thing that reminds you that it isn't all bad.
Reply:i try to have a balance of optimism and cynicism.

blind optimism can be destructive
Reply:That's a wonderful poem..........I share those sentiments

I cannot help but be an optimist.

Life is such a wonderful thing, and even when it seems everything is against you, to be alive and be able to see the things you mention in your poem is such a wonderful privilege.

We are all so lucky to be alive, and should never lose sight of just how lucky we are.
Reply:I consider myself a realist. I'm often accused of being a pessimist, but oftentimes, the reality is not all good. I honestly try to be an optimist, but I don't sugar-coat or gloss over reality.

I think of myself as a realist, the glass is neither half-full nor half-empty, its just half.

I hope for the best but prepare for the worst and try to enjoy it either way.
Reply:I try to be optimistic.

I am bipolar and spent too much of my life missing out on laughter and fun. I suppose in way I am trying to make up for it. But I always say its better to laugh then cry. Even if its at yourself.
Reply:I choose to be an optimist. I have always seen the bright side of things. It's in my nature and I find that actually it's a good thing.

I believe that when we think negatively we bring that energy to us. I know bad things happen but we can try to see a better side to it.
Reply:I try to be a pessimist with optimism. Meaning, I see the negative things in the world and try or hope to do something positive about them.
Reply:I try to be a realist above all else. Taking a mix of both optimism and pessimism. Each one has its benefits and its disadvantages and I think each needs to be used with care.

I do not think it is good going through life all the time as an optimist because you are just setting yourself up for disappointment again and again.

Likewise I do not think it is a good idea to go through life with a purely pessimistic attitude because then you are just setting yourself up for a purely defeatist attitude and that can pretty much lead to depression and what have you.

I think the best approach is to take a realist approach and so expect some good things to happen but also be aware of the bad and plan accordingly. In other words sure the glass maybe half-full but you will still need another drink soon!
Reply:I'm an optimist. I choose to see the love of God and pass that love on to everyone I meet.

If you wrote the should be published.

If you just like the poem.....we have the same heart.

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