Monday, May 17, 2010

Pet pix where cat's nose is prominant, do I use 35mm or digital camera or Adobe Photoshop?

I've seen greeting cards around here in Jersey where there is a photo of a dog or cat and it looks like the nose is almost touching the camera. Does anyone know whether that's done with a 35mm SLR or digital? Can it be done in PS7?

You can see what I'm trying to achieve here:

That was a PS7 manipulation of this:

I don't mind using an SLR camera shot and scanning it in. I love the ease of the digital but it is limited. Anyone that can offer some advice or direction will be my new best friend.


Pet pix where cat's nose is prominant, do I use 35mm or digital camera or Adobe Photoshop?
It's not the type of camera, it's the focal length of the lens.

The shorter the focal length the more distortion you get.

If the distance from the tip of the cat's nose to its eye,is one inch, and you can fill the picture with the cat's head by shooting from 9 inches away from the nose, then the nose comes 10% of the way from the cat's eyes to the camera.

If you fill the picture with the cat's by shooting from 1 inch away from the nose, then then nose comes 50% of the distance from the eyes to the camera so it appears much bigger.

If you shoot a human with an SLR, use a 50mm lens, and fill the frame with their head, their nose will look too big. That's why portrait lenses are 80-100 mm. With a cat, since their head is rounder, the distortion would not be as pronounced. If you went to a lens 35mm or less, you probably could get the effect you want.
Reply:You always need a camera to take photos but to manuplate them you need good editors (combination of photo editing softwares) So you can bring your photos closer to the extent of your desires.

Well I use mostly PS, Foreworks, PrintShop Pro, PhotoImpact 8, and MS Picture It to edit photos.

You can try these to make the same effect like it was shown in ebay.
Reply:I guess i am old fashioned, i like 35 mm, but that is because i like the dark room experience and all the things you can do in there with the pic. But if you are just gunna take it to Walgreens to get it developed and then just scan it then use the digital camera. Now if you just have a point and shoot digital camera that does give you much in the way of focusing and zooming, then i would go back to to your 35mm, assuming that you have a nicer 35mm! So really it just depends on what kind of cameras you have. And if you know how to use photoshop you can do just about anything to a picture! Hope this helps ya out!!


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