Friday, May 21, 2010

What flowers and flowering trees can I plant that will thrive in full afternoon sun?

We have absolutely No shade in the front of our house (we face the west) and we are in west Texas.

We get 10-15 mph hot southwest wind also.

We DON`t want cacti.

We DO however want something a little different than everyone else has i.e. Morning glories, wildflowers, honeysuckles, etc.



What flowers and flowering trees can I plant that will thrive in full afternoon sun?
One of my favorite flowers for full sun is the zinnia. They are hardy, bright and showy and very heat and wind resistent. They come in beautiful colors, too, and are great for cutting. Zinnias will grow very quickly from seed, so just scatter them lightly and evenly throughout the soil and keep it moist until the seedlings emerge.

Verbena is also very tough and heat tolerant and needs virtually no maintenance. It comes in very bold, eye-catching colors.

Good flowering trees for full sun (and old Southern favorites) are redbuds, magnolias, wild plum and dogwood. In Texas, the Wild Olive tree and Blackhaw do well, too. Both are smaller trees.
Reply:Trees - Crab Apple


Any Tropical Flowering Tree (As long as you can water it )

Flowers - Roses



Most any flower that can withstand any hot dry climates. (And again as long as you can water it.)
Reply:Petunias - full sun

dianthus- full sun

portulaca-full sun

inpatients- full sun

wisteria, tree- full sun

lilac- full sun

clematis, vine -full sun

good luck... i live in Illinois.. and all of these i have in full sun


WHY are these plants so important?

why are Japanese Honeysuckles, Muliflora rose, and Buckhorns so im portant or can somebody come up with a reason why there just important!

WHY are these plants so important?
These plants are all nonnative species (alien or exotic are other terms for nonnative) in the United States. The problems associated with them are:

1. These plants spread easily, especially the Japanese honeysuckle.

2. They take the places of the the native species without providing the same sorts of resources to the other living things in the ecosystem.

What are your five most favorite things?

And dont be gross.

Mine are:

Walking on the beach in the evening




Really spicy chili

What are your five most favorite things?
1. Snowboarding

2. Photography

3. Art

4. Nature/outdoors

5. Traveling
Reply:#1 Yahoo Answers=P%26amp;S

#2 AFI

#3 God

#4 Food

# My crush!





Reply:1) my girlfriend

2) my girlfriend

3) my girlfriend

4) my girlfriend

5) my girlfriend




my wife




my g/f
Reply:Driving around

Watching a movie

Jogging or walking in the park

Eating out with my family or friends

Being here on P%26amp;S
Reply:Being close to family


Writing plays

Listening to good music

Traveling someplace fun

If you combine any of those with pizza or chocolate they get even better LOL.




and dogs

in that order
Reply:Yahoo Answers




Reply:1. my son

2. my husband

3. kitties

4. christmas trees and lights

5. coffee from 7/11
Reply:Spending time with my husband




My Cat





Five Senses Survey?

What is your favorite...






AND... Which of your five senses would you give up?


Sight - Looking into my boyfriends eyes.

Smell - Honeysuckles.

Sound - A human's heartbeat.

Feel - Breeze on a hot day.

Taste - Pine-Apple juice

Aanndd... I would give up taste. Yeah I would miss it but hey, I'm waay too picky on the food I eat. I'd never go hungry without taste I guess! :)

Anndd... I would give up

Five Senses Survey?
Sight- my son

Smell- peri ellis 360 and cucumber melon

Sound- my son snoring

Feel- my son's cuddle hugs

Taste- Kiwi

I'd give up taste, everything else means way more to me.
Reply:Sight - the sight of my boyfriend singing his heart out up on stage becuase he knows im in the crowd

Smell - bf's cologne mized with the scent of his cigarette smoke....mmmm

Sound - the piano (particuaraly when my bf is playing)

Feel - my running shoes after a particuraly stressful day

Taste - oranges

I'd give up scent, no, taste, no, i dont know i can't choose
Reply:Sight: Looking into David Archuleta's adorable eyes :)

Smell: Lavender

Sound: Birds chirping

Feel: Softness (soft hair on my cat, fluffy pillows, etc.)

Taste: Pizza!!

I would give up feel. Then I could touch all kinds of painful stuff and it wouldn't bother me hehe..
Reply:Sight: hot guys =]

Smell: campfire

Sound: the ocean waves crashing

Feel: when i'm really cold, getting under a blanket by the fire

Taste: cranberry juice and sprite mixed

i would give up taste too. i'm really picky and i never really eat much anyways
Reply:Sight - Flowers/Nature

Smell - Fresh laundry or Apple/Cinnamon Scent

Sound - Birds singing

Feel - Cool water on a hot day

Taste - Raspberries or Mango

Sound (I already can not hear birds without my hearing aids on :))
Reply:Sight: Reading

Hearing: Listening to my children

Smell: I love smells

Touch: The feel of everything

Taste: Yummy
Reply:Sight- My family

Smell- Peppermint

Sound- Birds in the early morning

Feel- Another living creature ( I love dogs who cuddle ) =D

Taste- Mango
Reply:My sight is my favorite sense, and if I had to give one up it would be my smell.

Can any1 tell me what u think of my poem???


the flowers are all dead

the sun sobs softly over

the hearses of sweet honeysuckles

and dying poppies

as autumn's cancerous chortle

is gnawing the floal sanctum

painful silence echoes

sadness is at Man's very heart

remembrance of growth of perfume of love


I stand alone and weep

when the wind whispers something sweet in my ear


I smile again

Can any1 tell me what u think of my poem???
Let me say again: Lovely! Could you give me a pen name, to put under the poem, when I put it on paper? That would be great.

Very nice work--please! let's see much more of you here. Do be careful about your work being stolen, though.......

Take care.

*Edit: Thanks so much--I will put "Maryam" under the poem. I hope we all see much more of you here at Yahoo!Answers. Thanks for sharing.
Reply:Perfect sad poem good but depressing!
Reply:It's very sad. Man, I am starting to tear a bit and I never cry. I think it is beautiful.
Reply:Well, I'm really not that familiar with honeysuckles and dying poppies and all since I live in the Philippines but nonetheless I like it. Brooding and dark yet it has this sweetness to it especially in the last line. You start with the flowers being all dead and it seems to give off a really melancholic aura but in the end, you could smile again and that's really good. Keep it up.
Reply:good job
Reply:VERY descriptive! VERY dark with a great ending. This is a good one! I would change the last to "I stand alone and weep when the wind whispers something sweet in my ear, again... I smile" One change in wording and it wraps it up perfectly. Remember over use of the word AND in your future poems. Great Job!
Reply:Obviously you have a desire to write and create imagery. You don't seem to stay with any one inspiration and so you just push/compress images together without thinking about them and how they will be read and so some of what you group together is just ... inappropriate? Not working for me, anyway.

This can be fixed with focus.

Your focus.

Assuming you are fairly young (high school?), this is a lot better than most of the tripe we read on this site. I'm not crazy about what you've written but compared to most of the other stuff I've seen here from your age group you are leagues ahead of your erstwhile competition. (OK, that's not saying a lot...but still leagues ahead. Let's go with that.)

Give this one another shot.

Did you mean floal or floral? I'm hoping floral.
Reply:"I stand alone and weep

when the wind whispers something sweet in my ear


I smile again"

loved it
Reply:A wonderful piece in my opinion.

I can see some room for improvement but outside of that.....

Well done!
Reply:Ooooh, very nice! You capture a dark yet sweet aspect of Autumn's end and I loved it! Keep writing!

fruit baskets

A man was driving down the the road and came upon a farm. He pulls into the driveway and gets out carrying 2..

buckets. He walks up to porch where an old man is in his rocker.

"Good morning," says the young man.

"Howdy," says the old fella.

"I see you have milk weed growing behind the barn. Do mind if I get some milk?"

The old fella laughed, "You can't get milk from milk weeds. But, help yourself."

The young man walks into the field and comes back carrying 2 buckets of milk. The old fella thinks, "Well I'll be."

The man drives away, but comes back the next day. He approaches the old fella with 2 more buckets and says, "Well, I see you have some honeysuckles growing behind the house. Do you mind if I get some honey?"

The old man laughs, "You can't get honey from honeysuckles, but go help yourself.

The man comes back carrying 2 buckets of honey. The old man says, "Well, I'll be."

The man drives away and comes back the next day. He approaches the porch and asks, "I see you have some pussywillows..."

The old man cuts him off as he bolts from his chair, "Let me put my shoes on."

A man was driving down the the road and came upon a farm. He pulls into the driveway and gets out carrying 2..
lol. That a new fresh one. 10/10. This joke deserves some hugs and kisses. xoxoxox
Reply:Great one!
Reply:hehehehehe hewewwwww
Reply:haha omg i didnt get it out first but wow!! i literally laughed out loud. haha!!
Reply:lololol good one

ps thanx for the 2 pts
Reply:Very NIce

I like it too
Reply:LMAO :-)
Reply:good 'un 10/10.
Reply:lol thanks for the laugh
Reply:Hahahaha! Good one. :D
Reply:lol the old man wants his pus*sy
Reply:haha thats real funny i loved it

Garden disease help!?

Last year, my clematis suddenly died. I thought maybe I'd simply run through it with the lawnmover so didn't think again. Then a huge pink lavatera in the same place drooped and died. This year a nearly wisteria has not come into leaf and neitehr has a himalayan honeysuckle about 5 metres away. What is going on and how can I stop it?

Garden disease help!?

There could be several reasons why your plants are dying.

1. The soil could be missing some important nutrients

2. You could have some form of insect around the garden area, that keep infesting your plants.

3. You may have a fungus that are getting on your plant specimens.

Check any other plants in the area. Look underneath the leaves to see if there are signs of insects, (mites or aphids) or if there is a powdery substance. This could be a sign of a fungus. If you see anything like this and can't identify it, take a leaf off and bring it to a local nursery or garden center for them to identify.

Consider having your soil tested for the lack of certain nutrients. I hope this helps some. I will link you to the simple solutions section of my website. Browse through and see if you can find any other information that may be helpful to you. I will also link you to the site map, as this page has everything that is on the website. You may be able to find some additional information as well as tips and techniques. Good luck to you and have a great day!



Reply:It's honey fungus soil disease.It usually starts at some old tree stump and it threads it's way around other shrubs roots sucking out all it's nutrients.

The chemical that worked is now banned by the EU due to non bio-degrading in soil.

Nothing you can do except look up what plants are immune to the fungus and plant those.

If you want to persevere,than remove dead plant with all roots.Pour Amarillox over area 2/3 times.Then disenfectant a couple of times,then fresh bag of soil and replant.

If bees die off could humans figure out a way to pollinate?

and could we use honeysuckle plants for honey?

If bees die off could humans figure out a way to pollinate?
Other insects polentate too, but it is the bees that do it on the largest scale.

MY suspicion is that this is a NEW scare tactic for the media to use to influence everyone since Globull Warming is losing its teeth, i.e. Algore blamed the earthquake in China on globull warming and demanded that Americans send him MORE money! Keeping his mansion in Tennessee warm during the winter and cool in the summer are going to cost him some coin!

20 years ago the media warned people in S. Florida that the coconut trees were DYING due to this disease that turned them yellow! Did all the coconut trees die? Nope. It was a short-lived media scare tactic! That's all. Coconut trees "survived!"
Reply:You're welcome! Makes you want to question other scientists who want to claim that the earth is getting warmer due to "pollution," or that we humans have monkey ancestors! *laughter* Report It

Reply:if there is a way yes we could figure it out. but remember that nature has a way of balancing things out. i don't think the bees will die off. the animals in the world, throughout time, have gone through periods of rise and decline. just wait it will take care of itself.

Do you ever ?

sit in an antique rocker on you front porch about dusk and listen to the whippoorwills call amidst the rhythmic creaking of your grandmother's old chair whilst the warm scent of honeysuckle wafts through your soul?

Do you ever ?
~no homo~
Reply:Funny you should ask. I do have a rocker, belonged to my granny. She willed it to me because I loved it so much. It sat next to the stove on her farm for as long as I can remember. She died about 5 yrs ago, at the ripe old age of 92. Now, I don't have a porch. I also wouldn't know the sound of a whippoorwill from a crow. But I do like to sit in it and read my daughter stories Dave. And I like to think I can still hear the sounds of the farm from so long ago. The cows, the chickens the dog barking. Oh, wait. That is my dog barking. Better go let the silly mutt in.
Reply:yes- there is nothing better than a sunset with the sound of tree frogs, whipporwills and my daughter trying to catch lightning bugs.

My favorite smell is honeysuckle and it is about to bloom so I thank you for reminding me of it. - there is nothing better except when the sun sets and the sky lights up with millions and millions of stars and I lay on the grass and look up and dream for hours.
Reply:I do have an antique rocker from my great grandmother. If I set that on the dock at my grandpa's pond, where the smell of honeysuckle also happens to be quite strong on warm evenings, and listen to the sound of the loons calling - then I can get fairly close to your scene.
Reply:not yet =(

but i do stand at the balcony of my apartment about dawn and listen to the calls of various birds amidst the gentle blow of the refreshing morning air whilst the smell of drying dew drops and unpolluted air wafts through my troubled soul and make me feel better.
Reply:No, but I used to sit in my Grandmother's lap when I was much younger and smell the honeysuckle and watch the hummingbirds. I wasn't old enough to really appreciate this sort of thing, but what a great memory.
Reply:I have a swing on my front porch which I do sit in in the late afternoons, enjoying a glass of wine and watching the birds feed at the feeders and play in the bird bath.

So, I get where you're coming from...
Reply:nature is beautiful, and the way you described that moment, made it sound so calming. have you ever tried writing a poem? i think you would be really good at it.

yeh i do that alot, just take out some time for myself and sit there seeing the beauty in nature
Reply:If I sit on my porch my neighbors drag me into their domestic battles, or small children come and try to sell me koolaid and crack. If I want to enjoy nature (I don't) I go to the country or something.
Reply:if by antique rocker you mean machine gun nest, and if by whippoorwills you mean meth heads trying to steal my product, and by honeysuckle you mean gunpower then yes. I do.
Reply:Yes - apart from the antique rocker - it's a fairly new rocker.

Reply:Whilst playing a banjo......sorry buddy not in Liverpool!!!!
Reply:I love nature. But no. I sat in an antique rocker once, but then it broke. And no I am not fat.
Reply:please vist
Reply:no hun dont own a porch or a rocking chair not even got honeysuckle in the garden am I sad x
Reply:Dave, I couldn't get past the "whilst". That picture sounds like it's from the 1950's.
Reply:Nope, I live in an urban area so no banjo pluckin' on the porch for me I'm afraid...
Reply:almost every night and every morning to wake up with coffee in hand
Reply:it sounds so nicei i! and yes i did but it wasnt an antique rocker !

Reply:NO cuz i dont have an antique rocker :(
Reply:OMG like 5 minutes ago dude. That **** was awsome.
Reply:one of my most favorite things to do
Reply:no porch here got to go to moms for that in three weeks!!
Reply:I do that in the shank of the evenin'...rocker and all~
Reply:No, but it sounds nice!
Reply:At least 4 - 82 times per day.

Give or take 63.
Reply:not this week
Reply:nope i hate nature.


Are any of these plants poisionus for dogs?

Does anyone know if any of the following are dangerous for animals to eat or chew on?

Cape Honeysuckle

Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo

Lemon trees


Sword ferns

Strawberry plants


Rose of Sharon

Granny Smith Apple tree

Hummingbird vine

I have a bunch of plants to get in the ground and just want to know if I should keep these away from the dogs


Are any of these plants poisionus for dogs?

this is link of a web site that has a list hope it helps
Reply:the fruit and vegetable plants are OK because they're organic and won't hurt if the dog eats it, but the flowers I'm unsure about.

Lyrics to The Submarines song "You, Me, & the Bourgeoisie"?

Does anyone know where I can find them? The song is off their recently released CD, "Honeysuckle Weeks." Google hasn't yielded any good results.


Lyrics to The Submarines song "You, Me, %26amp; the Bourgeoisie"?
Here I am away from the pleasures of the first world

Laid out before me who am I to breakdown?

Everyday I wake up,

I choose Love

I choose Light

And I try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Oh my baby don't be so distressed

Were gonna pull your test

It's time to be so brutally honest about

The way we know want for something fine

When we climb for higher ceilings

And push for happy feelings

And here we are in the center of the first world

It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Everyday we wake up

We choose Love

We choose light

And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Plastic Bottles

Imported Water

Cars we drive wherever we want to

Clothes we buy at sweatshop labor

Drugs from corporate neighbors

We're not living the Good life

Unless we're fighting the Good fight

You and Me it's time to get it right

In the center of the first world

It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Everyday we wake up

We choose Love

We choose light

And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Love can free us from all excess

From our deepest debts

Cause when our hearts are full we need much less

Yea i know we want for something fine

When we climb for higher ceilings

And push for happy feelings

But Here we are in the center of the first world

It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Here we are in the center of the first world

It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Everyday we wake up

We choose Love

We choose light

And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Everyday we wake up

We choose Love

We choose light

And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart
Reply:Second correction: (with correct spelling this time!)

When we climb for higher ceilings

And BOURGEOIS happy feelings Report It

Reply:Another correction:

Drugs from corporate neighbors

should be:

Durgs from corporate enablers Report It

Reply:Here I am away from the pleasures of the first world

Laid out before me who am I to breakdown?

Everyday I wake up,

I choose Love

I choose Light

And I try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Oh my baby don't be so distressed

Were gonna pull your test

It's time to be so brutally honest about

The way we know want for something fine

When we climb for higher ceilings

And push for happy feelings

And here we are in the center of the first world

It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Everyday we wake up

We choose Love

We choose light

And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Plastic Bottles

Imported Water

Cars we drive wherever we want to

Clothes we buy at sweatshop labor

Drugs from corporate neighbors

We're not living the Good life

Unless we're fighting the Good fight

You and Me it's time to get it right

In the center of the first world

It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Everyday we wake up

We choose Love

We choose light

And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Love can free us from all excess

From our deepest debts

Cause when our hearts are full we need much less

Yea i know we want for something fine

When we climb for higher ceilings

And push for happy feelings

But Here we are in the center of the first world

It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Here we are in the center of the first world

It's laid out before us, who are we to break down?

Everyday we wake up

We choose Love

We choose light

And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart

Everyday we wake up

We choose Love

We choose light

And we try, it's too easy just to fall apart
Reply:It's actually - -

Here I am WITH ALL THE pleasures of the first world

Laid out before me who am I to breakdown?

How do you train a vine to grow on a fence?

I want to train a honeysuckle vine to grow along the back stretch of my fence. How do I do that?

How do you train a vine to grow on a fence?
You can do it an inexpensive way and use a fishing line.....they sell the clear line at Walmart or Target. It's also nice that's it's clear so it won't be an eye sore.

You can bend it easily and tie it in small knots so you can guide your vine in whatever direction you would like it to go....I got the idea two years ago and it's worked great on my vines!
Reply:Did you just plant it? What kind of fence? Does it have places to attach itself to? It is a vine, it will take over your fence itself, while it is small, you may need to help the little vine strings to climb (set them up in whatever direction you want them to grow), after a while it will do it itself.
Reply:You can buy "wraps" at a hardware store or use twine to lightly tie the vine ends where you want them to grow.( allow enough slack for plant growth)
Reply:You could get some chicken wire and staple to the fence so the vine has something to hold onto
Reply:first you cut a leaf off of a vine tie it to the fence and then water it every day.

I bought a bunch of seeds and have no clue what i am doing.?

i have seeds for the following: butterfly bush, poppy seeds, mimosa sensitivity plant, geranium horizon rosy glow, small red hot chili pepper, fuji pink balloon, tartarian honeysuckle, lobelia rosamund, desert rose, livingstone daisy, pyrethrum chrysanthemum mix, gelato dark pink ice plant, velvet queen sunflower, moonwalker sunflower, valentine sunflower, ameome bulbs. of course i got them from ebay but they didnt bother sending any DIRECTIONS. keep in mind i'm kinda dumb as far as this stuff goes so take it easy on me.

I bought a bunch of seeds and have no clue what i am doing.?
I would google the name of each plant to learn how to properly seed them
Reply:put them in the ground and water them.hahaha

Dental Hygienist

Flowers attracting bees?

I have a yard full of honeysuckle and the bees love it. Is there something I can do to attract more birds and butterflies? Will this deter the bees? If not, what will?

Flowers attracting bees?
this will not be a popular answer but truth full. there isn't anything you can do other than use a pesticide to kill the bees, which i hope you don't do. bees are very important to nature as they pollinate so many plants and trees. i have the same problem at my home but i just tend to ignore them and i have never been bitten. you can plant butterfly bushes and that will surely attract the butterflies. plus there are so many colors to choose from you can really jazz up a flower bed. the best way to attract more birds is to hang some bird feeders and purchase some seed. feeding birds is one of my families favorite hobbies.
Reply:i honestly don't think that you can get rid of bees and still attract birds and butterflies. bees love the nectar

these are REALLY GREAT sites:;ss...

hopefully these will suit your requirements

alyssum-carpet of snow also attracts "flocks" of butterflies:
Reply:you chop off all flowers!!!! die flowers die!
Reply:A bird feeder full of seeds will attract birds. Specific flowers will attract butterflies (look up "butterfly garden"). The birds, bees, and butterflies will all coexist just fine.
Reply:buddllias are good for butterflys
Reply:If you have a healthy population of bees, learn to live with them. They are good for your garden and good for the environment. I'm not overly fond of the buzzing in my shrubs each year, but I hate to discourage them since there is a growing problem with scarcity.

Butterflies and birds are attracted by bright colored flowers and flowering shrubs. But they also like a ready source of clean water so a bird bath is a very good idea. Relative to birds, plenty of ground cover and trees will also provide good habitat and encourage them to stay. And use natural products on your yard - no chemical poisons/fertilizers/weed killers.
Reply:Butterfly Bushes are both pretty and attract birds and butterflies. Michigan Bulbs . com has them. Mine grew quickly and is nice.
Reply:Here is a list of plants that attract butterflies.

Can some one help me out?

Can some one help me select two non-human species that interact with each other, so I can complete my research experiment. I just need a few ideas to get me started.

This will explain a little more about the experiment.

For this assignment, choose two non-human species that interact with each other, such as bees and flowers, or predator and prey species, or two species that compete. Or, you can consider the effect of an environmental factor on living non- human organisms, such as the effects of light or sound on plants or animals, or how food preference, or nutrient quantity / quality affect plants or animals. These are just a few examples. Your observations may lead you to many other types of questions about living organisms, their interactions, and requirements for life.

Would bees and honeysuckle be a good choice?

Can some one help me out?
Two species that interact that are not humans would be an ant eater an ants.

Honey suckle type vine in South Tx???

This resembles a honeysuckle vine but is not,,I have counted at least 11 red type pods that are a red and break open to a seems the leaves underneath the pod form a circlelar type base under pods..I thought it was a cardinal vine..but..I really do not know ..Your input please....

Honey suckle type vine in South Tx???
On Monday, telephone the Extension Office, while holding a piece in your hand. the man there will identify it if you give him a good description.

it may be invasive and need removing, or you may have a gem,

None of us can identify it well without pictures.

Best way to start a vine for fence?

I live in Zone 5, and have a east wooden fence and a south chain link fence surrounding my property, they are the neighbor's fences so I can't remove them. I would like to hide them though. However, last spring I planted honeysuckle and sweet pea from seeds and never got any to sprout. The area is very sunny and bugs tend to gather, so should I start the vines indoors then transplant? Please help, these fences are driving me crazy!!! Also, the neighbors have given me permission to plant flowering vines along both fences, thay seem to like the idea as well.

Best way to start a vine for fence?
Rose of Sharon is a nice hedge plant and has flowers, you can buy bare root now which is much cheaper. this will give you an idea of what to expect.

You don't need permission from your neighbor to plant on your side of the fence
Reply:Either buy plants of honeysuckle or get fresh green stems and start them. Seeds of the honeysuckle do best started from birds--( apparently going thru their body helps the seed. One start of honeysuckle will give you good growth this year and plenty of supplies to start more next year-- I know of a yellow honeysuckle and a red variety.

The easiest flowering vine is morning glories-- soak the seeds over night before planting-- they start slowly so mark the spot. Once started, they will reseed themselves every year.

The next easiest flowering vine is the original clematis-- It's called Autumn flowering or something like that-- can't remember right now. It grows well, is strong and the blooms are small but SO fragrant. You may be able to get "starts" from friends. Once it's established, like the honey suckle, you'll love it-- so will the birds.

Both Honeysuckle and the clematis can be very heavy-- you'll either shear the old growth in the spring or something else-- all the shearing does is "prune" and you get new growth.

good luck
Reply:It is best not to have climbing vines if the fences do not belong to you. Instead plant evergreen shrubs or a nice hedge. Be sure to plant them about four or five feet away from the fences as the shrubs/hedge will bush out and fill in that space.

Go to your local nursery or garden center and ask them to suggest an evergreen for you.

OR make it easy on yourself and have a landscaper company plant these for you. They have all the equipment, fertilizer and etc. to do the planting correctly. Make sure the contract says they will replace any thing that dies. Also ask them how to take care of them. Watering is VERY important.


Do girl's perfumes match their personalities?

I heard that it was true. If so, what personalities matches these scents? (lets work with bath and body works scents only please)

floral (like wild honeysuckle)

fruity (like black raspberry vanilla or pink grapefruit)

candy-scented (like warm vanilla sugar)

spicy (can't think of any, sorry)

serious answers only please


Do girl's perfumes match their personalities?
Floral- a classy girl

Candy- fun girl

Spicy- sassy, attitude(in a good way)

I have no idea.
Reply:no i dont think so...i think girls just choose scents that they like without putting that much thought into it.
Reply:sometimes girls do that but idk what n e of em mean lol
Reply:no, i dont think so

Reply:Well I just wear what I think smells good. Never heard of the personality thing though.
Reply:Depends on what perfume she is wearing, Was it a gift or did she purchase it herself? I suppose it tells a lot about the personality of a person when she chooses the perfume herself or what impression they want to create.
Reply:not really. i just buy watever i think smells the best

What (if anything) can I grow over a ivy wall for a bit of colour?

I rent a property with a south facing wall, covered in ivy which is nice, but lacking in colour.

Would a clematis of honeysuckle be ok?

What (if anything) can I grow over a ivy wall for a bit of colour?
Passiflora caerulea, the blue passion flower. Exotic flowers with a biblical myth. Very hardy to all parts of Great Britain. Evergreen too.
Reply:I grow Clematis montana 'elizabeth', which flowers late spring to early summer, and this scrambles over some huge conifers and an overgreen wall of ivy. It has light pink fragrent flowers, otherwise there are white varieties. As it's deciduous, it does allow plants underneath to get some light at other times. English Ivy, by the way, is known to be toxic to dogs, so you may want to clear this, if this is the type that you have growing. Here's an extract on this 'may cause stomach irritation, diarrhea, troubled breathing, coma, death.' Not a good thing!

Otherwise, Lonicera periclymenum, one of the Honeysuckles, forms a good swathe of color, for many months. This may be harmful to dogs, though I don't know if Lonicera Japonica is as bad. You could always chop the flowers after flowering, to prevent berries forming, which may be the easiest for a dog to eat.

Mid to late season colour is easy with passiflora caerulea, which is hardy and largely evergreen. Depending on where you live, there are some less hardy passion flowers that you could grow too, including Passiflora incarnata. See more here: Potential issues with dogs though, but could be trained high up, as it does grow enthusiastically and would love your sunny south facing aspect.

Winter flowering jasmine - Jasminum nudiflorum, a beautiful yellow flowered climber/scramber, adds color to your garden when little else if flowering, from November through to March. It can be helped by a little support, but will grow well in most conditions, including some shade.

Jasmine is listed as a safe plant, so you could also try the white/cream jasmines, in addition to the winter Jasmine - Jasminum officinale or Jasminum polyanthum, which is white/pinkish, and semi-evergreen, depending on where planted -good with partial shade too. Hardy in USDA plant zones 8 to 11 - includes the UK!

Safe plant list for dogs:

Some other info on dog toxic plants, causing severe problems -eg. heart:

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
Reply:Whatever you decide to plant make sure that the Ivy doesn't smother and kill it. After all, most climbers die back in winter whereas most ivys don't.
Reply:Clematis might be your best bet as it will be more inclined to cling to the ivy. Honeysucle will need to be supported as it doesn't naturally cling i.e. has no tendrils for attaching purposes. Don't get a montana clematis they can grow large and the weight might bring both it and the ivy off the wall.
Reply:I don't care for the smell of honeysuckle, so be sure you do.

What about Vinca, with its pretty purplish flowers?
Reply:Passion fruit bush, the flowers are gorgeous, then you get the fruit, but be aware it can take over if you don't keep it under control.
Reply:Clematis without a doubt, my favourite flower, check here and see why
Reply:Honeysuckle would be perfect! ask your landlord first since you rent
Reply:There are many climing plants that bloom both in evening and during the day that could add some beautiful color to your climbing ivy.

Two that I love, are morning glory, and for an evening bloom, moon flower. The are both climbers and would mix beautifully, and climb well with the ivy. But, unfortunately, morning glory can also be poisonous to dogs, as is honeysuckle.

Here is a list of some flowring climbing plants:

Here is a site listing plants that are possibly poisonous to dogs. You should be able to look up any of your flowering plant choices here. Just scroll down. There's a long list.

Do you love flowers?

Which are your favorites? Do you love2 honeysuckle pussywillow? Do you have a nice garden? (sticking my green thumb up at you!)

Do you love flowers?
Not as much as I like poles, and yes I do have a lovely garden. Would you like to dig in it and plant your pole in it?
Reply:i write poems about flowers. i like them
Reply:I like And love Breast-flower,they make your flower bloom to fine stuff ,makes breast -flower`s delight too.
Reply:I like 'em but I don't love flowers. I always get flowers and I live near a flower market. All I have is lavender. I like having herbs in my apartment though. I have 5 types of basil, french rosemary, greek oregano and screwpine. I would appreciate a flower if it smelled really nice.
Reply:Anything with a tight little bud will do.
Reply:Ohhhh, viewing my garden is by invitation only. My garden is always smooth to perfection! Even I enjoy exploring it's secret spots.... never fails, lots of "Ooohsome goodness". kittie loves playing in my garden and eagerly awaits others to play doggy with.
Reply:i love flowers.... but i dont think i love them the way u do

Reply:of course, who doesnt, i love roses and honesuckles i use to suck on them as a little kid and i never heard of pussywillow

and yeah my garden is pretty desant it has roses!!! hehee =]
Reply:Coral colored roses
Reply:i love them especially white lilies and roses
Reply:Very much so......roses, especially!
Reply:I love lilacs - especially ones that are not lilac colored, like white lilacs, deep dark lilacs, etc.

I also like morning glories.

i mowed off the pussywillow. They tried to talk me into leaving a narrow strip, but I say, cut it all down!
Reply:I love flowers........and my garden is gorgeous.....

My favorites are carnations, yellow roses, lilies, etc.

I love gardening!!
Reply:i like tulips and ofcourse sunflowers

What are some good outside plants for the desert area?

I live in the middle of the desert in California and I'm getting ready to start planting flowers and all that jazz because my yard is quite boring. What are some good flowers and plants I can plant outside that are able to withstand the heat (it gets up to around 120 in the summer). It's very dry here also. I want flowers and greenery. I was thinking of planting honeysuckle too. My dad has always been able to grow beautiful roses however I have a black thumb and no matter how hard I try I can't get things to grow. Anything that is pretty, can withstand the heat, and is pretty tolerant would be great. Thanks

What are some good outside plants for the desert area?
Desert plant #1: Oleander

Desert plant #2: Purple Sage

Desert plant #3: Bougainvillea

Desert plant #4: Lantana

Desert plant #5: Pampas Grass

Desert plant #6: Fairy Duster

Desert plant #7: Red Bird of Paradise
Reply:Try looking at a local nursery (not a big box but privately owned) they will be able to point you in the right direction. Also check our High Country Gardens on-line and see if they have anything that will work for you. You may also try planting a few trees first to create some shade so it is not so hot in the summer.
Reply:All the succulents are good, you can find some of them very beautiful, colorful and some of them blossom amazing flowers in spring.
Reply:What you are looking for are draught resistant plants. There is a grwoing movemonet to more "greener" cultivation of plants, in that people are trying to promote more eco friendly backyards.

There are numerous sources you can try. The type of plant depends on your microclimate of the yard. A couple of times a year put a few white sheets of paper in different areas and every few hours measure the percentage of sun on those papers. This will tell you what parts of your yard are sunny, shady etc.

Look for temperature variances too. Areas near a wall can be colder due to shade and wind effect. Opposite suncatching walls can be warmer. These temperature diffrences can mean a difference between survival and death of more delicate plants.

Look for native occuring species. Wild species of plants are naturally ahrdier and have proven track record of living in that environment. Plus they are cheaper to get as well. Many can be plucked during a hike, just make sure your hike is at a relatevely same elevation as your house. elevation makes a big difference in teamperature tolerance of plants.

Ofcourse you have to also check the soil composition (clay, sandy, loamy etc) and acidity of your yard as well. The easy way is to send a soil sample to local lab or unviversity botany department for advice. A cheaper method is to call your dad, and have him take a look and give you some advice.

Once you have the basic anatomy of the yard figured out, start looking at plants you find esthetically pleasing. Search Xeroscaping websites for ideas and advice.

And remember, have fun. If they die... thats justa lesson in how to make the next one survive. Experiment and "grow" with your plants!
Reply:I lived in Arizona, and I loved the way the Blue Agave plant looked.
Reply:Your're best bet would be to go to the nearest nursery and look around, I don't think you're going to find honeysuckle. Also, you may want to refer to the "Sunset Garden" book put out by the Sunset Magazine editors. There are many colorful flower-blooming succulents and cacti to choose from. Happy Gardening!
Reply:I can't recommend any plants, but I would recommend using a soil amendment that will hold water in the soil and then release it back to the plant. There is a great product out called "Pozzolan" or "LasseniteATS" that will do the trick. It is all natural, conserves water, improves the percolation rate of sandy soil and helps prevent runoff. Use one part Pozzolan to 5 parts soil and work it into the ground at root level (about 6 inches).

It will hold up to 104% of it's weight in water PLUS it will release the water back to the plant as needed. Best of all this is a ONE time application.

Go to the websites I have listed below for more information. The company TechnoGreen Corp calls this Aqua-feed. They have been using this in the desert to grow grass in the middle east.

Good luck!
Reply:Iris's come back every year and bloom in the spring. (Plant in front and around the below)

Mexican bird of paradise thrive when everything is wilting away during the hottest part of the summer. And start to green up as the iris blooms fade.They attract humming birds to. But have to be cut back in the winter.

Hibucus does well dispite the heat and can stay green all winter if its not to cold.

Aspargus ferns do well in the shade (but tend to be pokey and mesquitos like them so plant with marigolds around them).

Trumpet vines will thrive all the summer.

You are right roses are hard.

Queen palms are a tree but they add beauty to your yard year round and do well in the heat.

California poppies, african daisies, reseed themselves and come back year after year.

Check with your local grower nursery (not a national chain just sending out flowers) they will know what works best in your area.


On Your Knees....?

What is your weakness, your kryptonite, the one thing that might turn you from a sane mature human being (assuming you even might be one) into a total slobbering puddle of absolute and completely useless human flesh?

Is it a pint of Jerry Garcia? The song playing when you first held THE ONE in your arms? The rush you get just before the chute opens? Or maybe that One Deep, Searching Kiss ...? The smell of honeysuckle on a breeze?

What melts you... brings you to your knees?

Tell me yours and i'll tell you mine....

On Your Knees....?
The simple gentle grace of holding her in my most loving arms.

Seeing her smiling up at me. At times looking only all of

half her age. (A)


The feeling just before..., when it is most urgent...

and irreversibly imminent, As I see it in her eyes

(if they are open) that she Knows...

And I tell her... "..." *skirting violations left and right*

edit: exquisitely well put
Reply:Seeing and/or kissing my gf
Reply:women who like me
Reply:A delicious Chianti and a bag of M%26amp;M's
Reply:chocolate cream filled donuts
Reply:Cheesy nachos and cold Mickeys Big Mouth

I'm a cheap date
Reply:Love, is my greatest weekness. It has brought me to my knee more than once.....
Reply:till now its a good water massage and chocolate.
Reply:women with beautiful singing voice
Reply:The way he appreciates all of my more feminine ways.

Can't get enough of me, and presses me to him in embrace or

deep longing searching kiss, as if trying to make us one body,

one heart, one... and so, it goes...

you are a lucky woman, and I believe he counts himself to be

the luckier for having found you.
Reply:his smile.
Reply:that time an old lady hit me with her cane.
Reply:I just love the smell of lilacs and the smell of babies. They smell so fresh new born smell.It makes my heart melt.
Reply:i really do not know
Reply:Just a GUY talking to me like he cares, and like he knows me.

Someone who thinks about me and laughs with me, makes me laugh. Has my same interests and is not afraid to tell me what's on his mind!
Reply:never surrender ....never bow ...or kneel ......

However ...if you have red hair, green eyes and wear a certain perfume ....I am rendered powerless.....I think the Pheromones things actually do work ..... I won't mention the perfume .... just to keep the third thing secret .....two outta three ain't bad....but I'm looking but still stiff spined.
Reply:I haven't found mine yet.
Reply:a bag of chips, a warm Dr. Pepper, some soft jazz in the background, a new book, and no one else within 5 miles.
Reply:my daughter's unbridled happiness...hearing her laughter ringing out pure and strong just makes me want to soar and melt into a puddle of love all at the same time.

so, what is yours?
Reply:Samuel. Every single thing about him.

What is your favorite perfume recipe?

I have a number of different fragrance oils I have purchased. I have found some of them combined are quite lovely and would like to make my own perfume. I have read some recipes online but would like to know you favorite recipes!

Here is what I have : Rose, Honeysuckle, Vanilla, Frankincense, Patchouli, Myrrh, and Spring Rain. I opened the Vanilla, Honey Suckle, Pachouli, Frankincense, and then set them together. I waved my hand to get a whiff of smell (instead of direct nose to bottle) and I like this combination.

I know an easy method to make a simple perfume by using vodka, the oils, distilled water, and glycerin. I know the oils are different depending on how you want the scent to smell so I can make that decision on my own. What proportions would be appropriate for the vodka, water, and glycerin?

Any helpful insights would be awesome. I'm not trying to run a perfume shop here I am just exploring with what I have.

Thank you.

What is your favorite perfume recipe?
Hey, a fellow perfumista! When I was a kid I was always getting in trouble for mixing my Mom's perfumes and I still enjoy mixing! A really easy thing to do is to pick up some J.R. Watkins lemon oil at target and use it under any floral fragrance. it seems to "freshen" it in the same way that lemon freshens many foods. I'm sorry, I don't know about the vodka but it sounds interesting. I usually just mix something in the palm of my hand and apply it if it smells good! Here's a link to a great site for perfume making. I just bought some Mandarin Neroli oil from them.
Reply:daddy's farts
Reply:I thought I'd just tell you that fragrance oils are synthetic %26amp; petroleum derivatives and they are not good to use. (fake chemically formed oils.) I use essential oil which are safe %26amp; natural and have great fragrance also. I use vodka or jojoba oil mixed with a few drops of each essential.

Hope this helps!!!

New,Sand,Oasis,Love Ballad ...Any thoughts?

,New, Sand, Oasis, Love Ballad

If sand is made from dried tears,

Then I've made a desert.

My brain is an oasis. A freedome of the

Harsh, grainy wind. Which is love.

An oasis gives me nourishment with honeysuckle blooms.

An oasis. From the outside looking in

You wouldn't guess I was there.

I let my hair down and leave. My feet

Take me to an Oasis. And while I'm there I

Hide my eyes behind smoke.

-The holes to my soul, they say.

With so much sand, I feel nearly buried.

Only when I grasp the first branch do I say,

"I'm here", "I've made it."

I take my cigarette, and comes the smoke.

We mingle our brains. We've shared everything.

All I've given as gifts, I've gotten in return.

I'm happy.

And blessed rain comes pouring down.

My bitter, salty conscience; like my skin, are

Clean and white again.

I love.

New,Sand,Oasis,Love Ballad ...Any thoughts?
The speaker seems weird, creepy, grotesque, bizarre! If taken literally but I think it is a love poem. The images chosen convey a different meaning though.

Sample this:

We mingle our brains

If sand is made from dried tears,

Then I've made a desert.

My brain is an oasis. with honeysuckle blooms

My feet/Take me to an Oasis

The holes to my soul

My bitter, salty conscience; like my skin, are

Clean and white

Reply:Aww, so sweet. Kazuma, your poetry is so open and revealing. I love it. You have a way of reaching into your soul and then putting it on the page, albeit misspelled. That's okay though. I love the lines 5,6,7 in the last stanza. Thanks for the feel good day.

How do you keep your bush nice and shapely..?

because my Honeysuckle just grow out all crazy and tall, I can't seem to keep them full.

How do you keep your bush nice and shapely..?
I hire a lawn guy to take care of my "bush".....Sicko!! LOL
Reply:Hire a gardener.
Reply:You need a hedge trimmer...its fun to trim each others hedge, if you trust the other trimmer ;)
Reply:Tell me about it, this Begonia bush is just obnoxious!
Reply:Edward Scissorhands
Reply:Hedge Trimmers
Reply:Not very well.

You have the conservative sense of humor. Your the only one laughing at this. LOL.
Reply:i prefer no bushes for myself so i keep it grassless
Reply:No bush, Boo.

YOU STILL ain't clicked on my "ratemyink" link???'s a dying art you know!
Reply:I kinda' like the "Willie Nelson" look...
Reply:Jaun takes care of my bushes
Reply:let me take care of it with the hedge cutter
Reply:You are an odd little man!
Reply:I don't, like I told you already, the Brazilian handles all those chores for me.
Reply:Cut the thing down so it doesn't need clipping. That'll sort the monkey out.:)
Reply:i shave it completely...NO HAIR.
Reply:That's why I don't bother with bush. I get rid of it all and put in some nice cactus.
Reply:I keep it simple, by not having a bush at all, less to worry about=)
Reply:full size Hedgehog!

or a Schick ;)
Reply:We have someone that cuts the bushes.

lily garden

Need a new sudective perfume?

I want a new perfume to wear. I'm looking for something that has a sexy, musky fragrance. Something that would drive my boyfriend wild. He likes the scents Tommy girl, Fire and Ice, Bath and Body works Honeysuckle lotion, Curve, Star, but, I want something new. Any recomendations?

Need a new sudective perfume?
Pure Poison by Dior

Issey Miyake

Very Irrestistable by Givenchy

Blue by Ralph Lauren
Reply:Try "Byzance" by Rochas....
Reply:Try "Angel" it's pretty nice.
Reply:Most men LOVE the smell of gasoline. Don't know why.

Good luck. Sorry, my sense of smell was lost a few years ago in an accident and I wouldn't know if you were wearing the sexiest perfume ever made or if you hadn't showered all week. So, I have no idea what is nice and what's not.
Reply:Calvin Klein's Euphoria!! I love it, it's really sexy.
Reply:You are so lucky to have a boyfriend who LIKES perfume. He might like Thierry Mugler's "Angel". It's quite strong going on but lovely after an hour. It last about 16 hours on me. Another exotic one is "Amour De Cacao" by Comptoir Sud Pacific. It's a chocolate based scent but not in a juvenile way It's a very seductive close-up kind of scent.
Reply:Midnight poison dior

miss cherie dior
Reply:try opium or coco chanel.

I LOVE LL COOL J (i post this before).?

i had this poem for about 8 years, be easy on me. here goes.

his lips are like honeysuckle strawberries bond to be kissed.

his looks are so striking how can i resist.

his words he spit through his rhymes are so fly

he so strong and find, i know he is my type of guy.

the love i have for him makes me quiver, it takes the soul out of me, he makes my heart shiver. i said it yesterday, and i will say it today, i think i am in love with LL COOL J! LOL

I USE TO REALLY LIKE HIM WHEN I WAS YOUNGER, BUT SINCE I GOT OLDER, IT DIED DOWN. BUT I STILL LOVE HIM. I WAS 16 NOW I AM 23. my friend inspire me to right a poem about him in 10th grade, he use to like brittney spears sooooooooooo. he was going to make a poem about her, sooo why not make one on ll cool j.

I LOVE LL COOL J (i post this before).?
... wow, you're one of those people that tries to kill themselves, but can't figure it out... aren't you?

pretend to stab yourself with a pencil in your right hand, try to bite your ear, and groan all at the same time

How do you get rid of sooty mold on plants?

Specifically on honeysuckle and coreopsis?

How do you get rid of sooty mold on plants?
sooty mold is a byproduct of white fly, or aphids. It grown on the excrement of the pests. Identify the pest, use a product labled for the pest, read the directions and follow them. The sooty mold can be washed off the leaves. Its a chore but can be done. Soapy water and determination will work.

Combining or layering fragrances?

Has anyone else got favorite perfume combinations? My favorites are:

1. Bond no 9 "Little Italy" (a sharp but true orange scent) and Monyette paris.

2. Demeter's "Honeysuckle" and "Grapefruit"

As a child I'd get in trouble for trying to create a new fragrance for my Mom by combining her perfumes! I still enjoy doing it and I only have myself to blame if it doesn't work out!

Combining or layering fragrances?
Yeah I do that too! I like to mix Amazing Grace by Philosophy and Lucky You by Lucky Brand.

Crooked Teeth

I am starting a new business and am looking for people to buy my product. Homemade Bath Fizzers. interested?

I sell homemade bath fizzers. They are slightly larger than a golf ball and fizz up when you put them in the tub. I have 57 different scents and they are $1.00 a piece. You would pay actuall shipping for whatever you order. They scent the water and soften the skin. Homemade. Our scents are Baby Powder, Lilac, Lavender, French Lavender, Orange, Peach, Vanilla, Gardenia, Red Rose, Ocean, Lily, Vanilla Peach, Lily of the Valley, Peppermint, Violet, Pineapple, Hyacinth, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Lemon-Lime, Black Cherry, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Pear, Strawberry, Cucumber pear, Sweet pea jasmine, Rainforest, Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Pina Colada, Cucumber Melon, Tangerine, Root Beer, Cotton Candy, Cotton Blossom, Green Apple, Raspberry, Bubble gum, Chocolate, Musk, English Ivy, Cherry, Grape, Plumeria, Freesia, Unscented and Egyptian Musk. I need to sell as many as possible as fast as possible. Want to buy email and I will respond

I am starting a new business and am looking for people to buy my product. Homemade Bath Fizzers. interested?
You support my business I will support yours. I sell We'll solicit each other.

Does anyone know the meaning of this?

I have this dream in which I am at the park with my children. I can smell the freshly mowed grass, honeysuckle, and jasmine flowers. I am pushing my youngest boy on a swing when I hear screaming. I look over and in the lake is a little girl. I run over and pull her out. When I get her out of the water I see she is only an infant. She drowned in the water and is not breathing. I do CPR as I am liscensed in, but to no avail. My 18 month old son comes over and leans down and touches the babies chest and smiles. She caughs up all the water and starts breathing again. After that my son smiles at me and everything vanishes. I am suddenly down from the sky and see myself laying on the ground by the lake while someone does CPR on me. Then I wake up. Does anyone know what this might mean?

Does anyone know the meaning of this?
What a freaky dream! I wonder if you wer watching commercials for that pushing daisies show and somehow your brain just changed it for you! My dreams do that to me often!
Reply:Maybe it means something about you are trying to save yourself from a problem, but your son is the one who will fix it?
Reply:Probably something you

I'm serious....

What is the ladies perfume that smells like mold?

I get a whiff of this every so often and it stinks! I think it's supposed to be a "musk" of some kind.

Also, I noticed that other ladies perfumes mimic the smell of flowers. Does anyone know of the names of the ladies perfume that smells like:


Magnolia Blossoms:

Honeysuckle Blossoms:

Any other flower:

What is the ladies perfume that smells like mold?
Boudoir by Vivienne Westwood

(The best ever perfume of all time) slighlty expensive FRENCH

Contains notes of Viburnum and French marigold with Rose, orris, orange blossom, cardamom and cilantro.
Reply:the mold is just when they came back from their mile jog!!!

Reply:Well if a female smells like mold it ain't her perfume.
Reply:I think red door stinks-. Makes me sick its musky or something.....

The mold smell is probably a perfume thats refered to "woodsy" perfume
Reply:I agree with corriegirl, Jovan Musk has a terrible smell. I used to have one when I was like..nine...LOL! I have "Red Door" by Elizabeth Arden and am just tolerating it. There was another one we used to have by Prince Matchabelli and it literally STANK, like rotten apples. Disgusting!
Reply:i think youre thinking of white diamounds, its the worst and older women think it smells great. chanel no5 isnt too great either, very expensive but it smells like poo. sorry i dont know the other ones
Reply:The one that smells like mold is called "Poison", by Christian Dior. (It MUST be the one you're talking about) It's not as popular now -- 4-5 years ago when you went out, the whole shopping center would smell of the stuff.
Reply:Chanel no 5?
Reply:It may not be her perfume .....
Reply:Chloe Narcissus? I use to like it but for some reason it stinks like mold now. But then again all perfumes smell different of different people. I hate Chanel 5. Theres also Avon's stinky collection.
Reply:Kate Spade has a perfume called 'Kate Spade' that smells exactly like honeysuckles.
Reply:I can tell you that my Grandmother used to wear Chantilly, and Taboo....and it was enough to gag a maggot.
Reply:I think that White Shoulders and Jovan Musk both smell moldy.
Reply:I agree with Chanel #5. I was once trapped in the car with someone wearing it and it did smell very moldy %26amp; dank.

Any LIVER EXPERTS HELP PLEASE! Detox Tea for the liver and kidney(NEED HELP! PLEASE)?

I had high LFTs in a previous blood test and also pains in my lower right abdominal area. Ive gone on a diet and i just bought some detox tea that supposely helps the kidney and liver and cleanses the blood at Henrys Marketplace. I was wondering if anyone could help me identify these ingrediants and know if they do work:All Organic: Cinnamon Bark,Licorice Root,Ginger Root,Burdock Root,Dandelion Root, Cardamon Seed, Juniper Berry,Black Pepper,Clove Bud,Long Pepper Berry,Chinese Amur Cork Tree Bark,Japanese Honeysuckle Flower,Forsythia Fruit,Gardenia Flower,Skullcap Root, Black Cohosh Root,Chinese Goldenthread Root,Rhubarb Root,Wax Ground,Asian Psyllium Seed. I also bought fresh Danelion Root, i was wonder in if anyone know how i should go about consuming that? Raw? Brew it and drink the water and eat the Root? And does anyone know how many times i should drink that day per day? and also the Dandelion root? I really need all these questions answer and appreciate anyone who can help. =D

Any LIVER EXPERTS HELP PLEASE! Detox Tea for the liver and kidney(NEED HELP! PLEASE)?

one way to figure out what all these are, what they are good for and probably how to use them too is if you go to a library and search for natural herbs or something along those lines you should be able to find lots of books that would contain information about different kinds of roots, and plants used for things like cleansing, or even if you search on the internet you would be able to find somehting. Good luck with the cleansing, it's a good and natural way to keep yourself healthy, with avoiding drugs.

Reply:go on for more info

I heard mild thistle is good for the liver.
Reply:You can get great detox info on
Reply:im all for the natural stuff, but if you lose the liver, you lose your life. if you have no money get on medicaide,or a free clinic,or free trail medicine testing or something. if you wait to long for medical attention on the liver it can be to late for the problem to be fixed.


What kind of flowers do you....?

have planted in your yard? Besides the normal oak trees, I just have red roses a honeysuckle bush and a lonely looking plum tree.

What kind of flowers do you....?
one pathetic rose bush, with two small red roses on it.
Reply:Only yellowbells.:)
Reply:nothing except the norm
Reply:My landlady has all kinds of tropical flowers and palm trees all around the house. I dont' know most of them, but it's pretty.
Reply:Roses %26amp; Tulips
Reply:no yard, no flowers and trees.

Reply:I have a wildlife garden.
Reply:Dark purple orchids, White lilys, and Iris...
Reply:chanythesums i dont know how to spell it.
Reply:None, i live in apartments : (
Reply:Calla lillies and irises
Reply:i grow mostly vegetables tomatoes peppers aubergines zuccini,s pumpkins, water melons all which are quite attractive as well as you being able to eat them but i also have roses sun flowers and gladioli
Reply:Maple trees here along with some climbing roses and Kalanchoe
Reply:Cosmos,coreopsis, oxalis, marigolds, impatiens, zinnias, sweet william, sweet peas, pansies, 4 O'clocks, rose of sharon, and that's about it.
Reply:Almond tree.
Reply:there are no yards here, but palm trees are between roads

What come to mind when i say ?

honeysuckle ??

What come to mind when i say ?
For some reason the first thing that popped into my head when I read that word is 'nipples'...

That's strange, because I've never really associated honeysuckles with nipples. hmmm.
Reply:sweet smelling plant
Reply:winnie the pooh
Reply:the color green
Reply:The most redolent shrub... I have one outside my window... mmmmmm...
Reply:Damn weeds. They are growing all over here and they crowd out the other plants.
Reply:Those honey nut cheerios commercials.
Reply:LOL! I'm in need of a good massage. It has this great floral scent and it has been know for bringing erotic dreams
Reply:sweet smell~~~~~~%26gt; that bees love
Reply:A flower.
Reply:itcome to mind honeysuckle
Reply:The most beautiful smell in the world
Reply:Winnie The Pooh
Reply:The flower!
Reply:Willie Nelson
Reply:a sweet smelling flower
Reply:pretty scent.
Reply:berber carpeting.

sorry, what exactly is the point of this question?

i guess it doesn't matter, but i was thinking about carpet long before i clicked on your question. so i guess that wasn't a fair answer.

let's try again, shall we?

Reply:The fence of our goats' yard. It has honeysuckle growing all over it. The goats like to eat the vines.

What was your favorite thing to do when you were a child???

I used to love sneaking out in the middle of the night to walk around town (I live in a very small town so I was safe doing that). My town is so quiet and pretty at night, I still like to walk down to the river or down the winding road along the creek picking honeysuckle.

What was your favorite thing to do when you were a child???
Walking in the woods and riding my bike
Reply:Thank You!

Report It

Reply:I grew up in a rough neighborhood but all the kids on the block would get together around dusk in the summers %26amp; play hide %26amp; seek (man hunt). 1 rule you had to stay on the block (city) no crossing street.
Reply:when I was a child, I loved to play baseball all summer long.
Reply:I used to ride my bike and pick honeysuckles all the time when I was little
Reply:I loved to play with my erector set and make things that actually worked. Gee, whatever happened to the erector sets?
Reply:Eating paste.
Reply:Park in front of the TV on Saturday mornings with a bowl of Trix and Kroffts Superstars.
Reply:When I was a child living in the mountains of Colorado, I could be found just about anywhere where there was water. I fished almost all summer long. I loved to fly fish and had a beautiful split bamboo rod with red and white wrapping for the ferrules.

I also hunted a lot with the BB rifle I was given for taking care of a neighbors lawn. I became a crack shot dispatching many sparrows. (not popular sport today but 55 years ago it was).

All of us guys hiked a lot as well. we would be gone all day often hiking miles. Our parents all said we had one leg shorter than the other because we were always climbing up or down some mountain. We knew where all the wild raspberries were along the trails to eat for lunch.

We all had lots of fun in the winter as well ice skating on the lakes.
Reply:Swimming in my pool with friends
Reply:Making mud pies,

having ice cream eating races,

riding my bike to the corner shop with my pockets full of change.
Reply:Roller Skating, and riding my horse....I miss those days!
Reply:I loved playing with my dollies and teddies and I'm 17 now and I still hug them as I sleep! =)
Reply:I loved to swing and write.
Reply:i use to love going to the park with friends
Reply:kidnap little girls that sneak out late at night

What is your top 5 favorite aromatherapy scent?

Mines are




Sweat Pea

Fresh Cotton

What is your top 5 favorite aromatherapy scent?



4.ocean breeze



wet kitty


raspberry lotion

network security

Does anyone know what this is? along the river Vermont?

I thought it was honeysuckle but its not red

Does anyone know what this is? along the river Vermont?
It's a Tatarian honeysuckle, Lonicera tatarica L. It took me a while to fin a suitable picture though. I've included some information on it.

Horticulture student.
Reply:It probably is a Lonicera, maybe morrowii maybe tatarica, just not ripe.

Could also be winterberry holly, Ilex verticillata (see link).

What is favorite smell or scent?

I love honeysuckle and berry scents%26gt;


What is favorite smell or scent?
Hawaiian Ginger and Haiku
Reply:emme chanel 19 its a perfume i love that smell or true love but then that too strong
Reply:vanilla and mango !
Reply:sea breeze
Reply:vannilla i love the scent of and my favorite is the smell of my mother's cooking
Reply:I like how it smells on spring days when it's a mixture of flowers and dryer sheets.
Reply:I you want to take a wiff?
Reply:Favorite smell is clean laundry!! MMMMMM weird isn't it?
Reply:fresh pineapple and oranges...
Reply:The clean and windy beach
Reply:The smell of freshly cut grass in the spring!
Reply:The way a concrete sidewalk smells after it rains on a warm summer day, and the smell of wet dirt. Weird, I know.
Reply:fresh baked chocolate chip cookies
Reply:I love foody smells. Like vanilla, coconut, cinnamon, coffee, butterscotch, cherries etc. I especially love honeysuckle as well :)
Reply:hmm i like the smell of lavender and fruity scents too!!
Reply:I love Honeysuckle and Lilacs. There is nothing better to remind you it's spring!
Reply:Babydoll or romance by ralph lauren
Reply:cotton candy and Britney Spear's--Fantasy
Reply:Cinnamon . and garlic but not together.
Reply:I love a nice, spring or summer rain.
Reply:My man's Lynx!
Reply:well i would say Roses, the freshness, peacefulness and youthfulness of the scent is quite exhilarating.

But ironically, i also love the smell of gasoline, and i just do not know why! lol
Reply:vanilla on strippers
Reply:A REAL Man!! @80) hi.
Reply:Vanilla and tropical!

orange grapefruit lemon (citrus?)


Reply:lavender and peaches

Sparkling Peach from bath and body works?

Has anyone tired it out yet? is it worth it? i havent been really happy with bath and body works lately..they newest one..honeysuckle...smells like a dead grandma..its nasty! anyway, let me know abotu the sparkling peach.

Sparkling Peach from bath and body works?
Sparkling peach?! It's fabulous!

I tested the waters with a deep cleansing antibacterial soap, and LOVE IT. It's in my kitchen right now-- I love how fresh it is...

I went back and got a shower gel and splash a few days ago because I think it will be perfect for summer!

And honeysuckle?! Always a bad idea. The original honeysuckle they had was gross and overpowering, but after they discontinued it, people freaked out-- it always comes back for the semiannual sales and is successful (-- I worked there full time for several years..) , so I guess that's probably why they brought it back...
Reply:I like it, the pomegranate is nice too. Try it on and see how you like it, every scent isn't for everybody.

What is your favourite plant?

im think of my garden at the moment and carnt wait for long summer evenings with the headey scent of honeysuckle my fav is roses at the moment

What is your favourite plant?
it has to be a rose, they are so beautiful come in lots of different colours and shapes and are the most fragrant of all flowers my favourite rose is one called is yellow with a hint of pink.. i went to a rose growers many years ago with my dad we bought a rose by this name. i often think about this rose it reminds me of such happy memory's of my dad who died four years ago.
Reply:hydrangeas and peonies unfortunately, since I moved to the south I cannot grow either one. boo hoo
Reply:Oak tree.

And small delicate flowers of all colours that grow in the Alps.
Reply:tomatoes or sweet corn, do i have to choose between these two?
Reply:a sun rose. the flowers open during the day and close at nite
Reply:My fav has got to be the Spindle Bush. Small flowers in summer but in autumn when the leaves start to turn, wow! The whole bush turns fiery red before finally shedding all its leaves.
Reply:Day Lillie's and hybrid iris and Roses.

I have a pale pink and white rose garden.
Reply:Very tricky question. At the moment I have a deep pink Hellebore flowering and it is sooooo beautiful. Japanese Anemones are lovely too. I love my Magnolia tree. Wild English Bluebells are something else too -I just cant pick a favourite!
Reply:Wild orchids such as the ones found on the island of Jura
Reply:snowdrops,daffs,blossom,hyacinth,bluebel... colourful scented flowers.
Reply:I love Lantana, it comes in so many different varieties and is very fragrant, there is Carlos Lantana,it is purple,red and orange, Miss Huff, it is orange%26amp;yellow, Lemon Drop,light yellow, Pink Caprice,pink%26amp;yellow,Trailing lavender,purple, Trailing white, New Gold,Texas Red. Check it out
Reply:Venus Fly Trap
Reply:Robert Plant
Reply:Tri Color Beech
Reply:Sarracenia leucophylla
Reply:Few years ago we put 15 roses in our back garden, and couple of years ago a Christmas tree in front. Slowly it shows great advantage against all that one or two years live plants. Generally my husband decided that we have to have flowers all year around: when Narcissus are going down we have Giacints. After that forget me not, sensed lilies and lots of roses with a fantastic scenes year after year. It was a hard work in first year. Now it just curry on by itself really. Couple of days in March and same in October of real work but it worth it
Reply:Hepticodium miconoides - sevon son flower..

this is a pic of the flowers:

This one a pic of the leaves and flowers before they bloom:

These have several pics of the tree.. with its outstanding bark..
Reply:I love roses too, but I really look forward to seeing my Pasque flowers in Spring (Pulsatilla) and Arum lilies in Summer.

This time of year I love the Snowdrops.
Reply:I love gerberas, especially the cheery orange ones!
Reply:Hellebores because they are in full bloom now in Delaware
Reply:Clematis, osteospermums, crocus, daffodils, hellebores and Jasmine
Reply:i like carnation,tulips,and violets.they are very beautiful in gardens toghether.
Reply:Scots pine, Hardy,quick growing and inspirational. what else can i say. oh yeah, it's Scottish!

(well,someone was going to put it on !
Reply:opium poppy
Reply:My fav is Daisies and lavender. Can't wait for Spring!
Reply:Budleia black knight



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Hi,I am trying to find the words to a song sung to me as a child.?

Going round in my head are the words" There's a quaint commotion in the garden,where the ? and honeysuckle grow"" come come come there's an invitation for you come come come in your jewels of sparkling dew," "at the wedding of the old queen bee" a bit disjointed I know but hope someone recognises it.Thankyou

Hi,I am trying to find the words to a song sung to me as a child.? sounds very pretty and i searched for it, but i can't seem to find it. is it a nursery rhyme or a real song do you know?

edit: the only thing that i can think of is poet philip freneau who has a poem about honey bees and a poem about wild honeysuckle? sorry. i really liked the words.
Reply:The Ugly Bug Ball

by Burl Ives


Once a lonely caterpillar sat and cried,

to a sympathetic beetle by his side.

"I've got nobody to hug,

I'm such an ugly bug."

Then a spider and a dragon fly replied,

"If you're serious and want to win a bride,

come along with us,

to the glorious

annual ugly bug ball."

Come on let's crawl

gotta crawl, gotta crawl

to the ugly bug ball

to the ball, to the ball

and a happy time we'll have there

one and all

at the ugly bug ball

While the crickets clicked their tricky melodies

all the ants were fancy-dancing with the fleas

then up from under the ground

the worms came squirming around

Oh they danced until there legs were nearly lame

every little crawling creature you could name

everyone was glad

what a time they had

they were so happy they came

Everyone was glad! What a time they had!

they were so happy they came!

Come on let's crawl

gotta crawl, gotta crawl

to the ugly bug ball

to the ball, to the ball

and a happy time we'll have there

one and all!

at the ugly bug ball.

Then our caterpillar saw a pretty queen

she was beautiful in yellow, black and green

he said, "Would you care to dance?"

their dancing led to romance.

and she sat upon his caterpillar knees

and he gave his caterpillar queen a squeeze

soon they'll honeymoon

build a big cocoon

thanks to the ugly bug ball

Come on let's crawl

Gotta crawl, gotta crawl,

to the ugly bug ball

to the ball, to the ball

and a happy time we'll have there

one and all!

at the ugly bug ball!
Reply:Hi, here are 100 classic children song, all with flash and lyric.

I think they are helpful for you.

Good Luck %26amp;%26amp; Best Wishes!
Reply:sorry darlin aint got a clue love. sure someone on ere will though. be lucky.
Reply:Sounds like, Burl Ives, "Ugly bug ball".
Reply:i also think it could be burl ives,ugly bug ball.
Reply:rocka bye baby round the tree top opps might not be eh but sounds nice anyhow

What is the best method for rooting a small plant or vine from a clipping?

I have checked online, but everywhere tells me something different. The plants I'm currently trying to root are members of the passion flower and honeysuckle families (vine plants with a nice climbing habit) from cuttings I've taken from their newer growth.

One popular method has told me to put the cuttings in vermiculite after dipping the end in rooting compound.

The second method I've found was to take the clippings and keep the bottom half submerged in water (in a glass or test tube) until roots begin to emerge.

(I've even considered merging the two and keeping a test tube filled with water and vermiculite after dipping the plant in rooting compound!!)

Of these two, are either better or worse for rooting these clippings, and if there are any methods that I have missed (I'm sure there are several) that would be a good choice for these plants then please let me know. Thanks for the help.

What is the best method for rooting a small plant or vine from a clipping?
I've had success rooting honeysuckle in water, but not my passion flower. You have to change the water often if you use that method. It will develop a bacteria that turns the water into smelly pond scum and the vine gets mushy and dies before the roots develop. One way that did work to root the passion flower, was to dip the root in the B-1 then use Shultz root compound and I stuck it in a pot of soil.
Reply:Actually, either method will work, as will your "combination" method -- I've used that as well. It has the advantage that when you go to plant the thing, it will bring some vermiculate along with itself, thereby protecting the roothairs and holding water.

Don't know about passionflower, but honeysuckle is pretty tenacious -- I would assume it would root pretty well. I've found the issue with rooting is the *when* you take the cutting, more then the method of rooting. If you take the cutting from growth that is too fresh, it will just wilt and die; too old and it will harden off before rooting.

So, just experiment and have fun. Expect to fail a bit, but you seem to be on the right track, so I think you will eventually succeed -- good luck!!