Sunday, April 26, 2009

How does Japanese honeysuckle reproduce?

I am trying to get some Japanese honeysuckle started on a fence to create a hedge effect, because I know the stuff grows like crazy and does well in our climate; however, I never see seeds or very young honeysuckle, only the mature vines. I want to find out how I can get it started without transplanting an entire vine!

How does Japanese honeysuckle reproduce?
Rip ou the plant and put it in a plastic garbage bag and throw it away with the trash. Japanese honeysuckle is very invasive and will give you much heartache, just like English ivy and other nasties like trumpet vine and bamboo which while mascarading as garden plants are really evil incarnate to a gardener, or the poor soul who buys your house when you can't stand it anymore. There are good honeysuckles, just not the Japanese version. It will grown and put down roots all along the length of the stem and crowd out all your other plantings. Be warned!
Reply:By starting with a few drinks.
Reply:Try taking them out to a Japenese Honeysuckle Bar. I know it seems sick, but they have them everywhere these days. Just so long as they don't get married, that's all I care about.

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